

La Universidad -


Tuesday, May 30, 2017



Place: 5042 (5th Street No. 4-70)

Time: 7:00 A.M.


The University of Cauca, through the Division of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control, will hold on Tuesday May 30th the admission test for applicants to the undergraduate programs at the offices of Popayán and Santander de Quilichao, corresponding to the 2ND period for the 2017 Academic year.


In order to take the admission test, the following must be readily available:


1. At the start of the test you must present an original ID:

-For Nationals: Identity card in any of its two presentations, with blue or pink holograms, Passport, Password or Citizenship Card.

-For Foreigners: Passport or Alien ID.


Also the printed citation.


NOTE: Under no circumstances will documents other than those listed above be accepted, as it will be the applicant’s responsibility, to carry and preserve their identity document before, during and after the test.

A person who does not prove his identity with the appropriate document, can not enter the premises of the University of Cauca and consequently can not take the admission’s test.

2. Must have the following elements:

A. Black Mint Pen No. 2.

B. Draft.

C. Sharpener.


3. Once the test is started, entrance to the facilities are NOT allowed under any circumstances.

4. The applicant must appear at the seat where he has been summoned, at least one hour and thirty minutes before the arranged time.


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Event addressed to: Aspirants

Costs: None

Organized by: Division of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control