
Anthropology and Archaeology students from Colombia gather at Unicauca

La Universidad -

The Encounter among students from different Higher Education Institutions, which took place from October 3rd to 6th, provided a space to contemplate these disciplines and their contribution to consolidating peace with social justice in Colombia.

Serving as an opportunity to converge, discuss, and dialogue about these disciplines, higher education, and Colombian society in general, with the aim of consolidating peace with social justice in Colombia, the X National Meeting of Anthropology and Archaeology Students and III National Meeting of Indigenous Anthropology and Archaeology Students were held from October 3rd to 6th at the University of Cauca.

The event, held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, saw the participation of students from across Colombia who gathered under the theme 'Walking in the South, Unraveling the Pathways of Practice.'

Over the two days, research proposals from students of the National University of Colombia, Surcolombiana University, University of Antioquia, University of Magdalena, Pontifical Javeriana University, University of Caldas, and the University of Cauca were shared and discussed.

The University of Cauca will always remain a space for sharing knowledge, debating ideas, and producing knowledge around the different disciplines developed here, and our doors will always be open to students from other regions who wish to enrich their professional training.