
Approval of deadlines for course cancellations

La Universidad -

The Academic Council gave the parameters for the cancellation of courses in the different academic programs, including the language courses offered by the PFI, requests that will be received until Friday, March 20, 2020.


Until March 20 at 2:00 in the afternoon, applications for the process of cancellation of courses may be filed in the different academic programs, including the language courses offered by the PFI, as indicated in Academic Agreement 020 of 2020.


In accordance with the administrative act issued by the Academic Council, applications may be sent virtually to the email address of the respective Faculty and / or the Language Training Program.


In relation to the format required to carry out this procedure, it must be physically sent once the situation returns to normal, taking into account that without compliance with this requirement, the request sent by email will not be processed.


This decision is made as part of the preventive measures that seek to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Virus, given by the University Directorate.


More Info:


Academic Council
