
Artists from Unicauca will present in Bogotá the national sample Replica

La Universidad -

Arts and Culture - Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Interdisciplinary Collective Group 83 organizes a collective exhibition at the Centro Colombo Americano and Valenzuela Klenner Gallery.

According to Edinson Quinones, Master in Fine Arts and a member of the Collective, the exhibition makes visible the work of 22 artists from Cauca among graduates, students and teachers of the School of Arts of the Alma Mater. The exhibition will be open to the public between 28 August and 26 September.

"The works to be exhibited will arise mostly from a previous show where participants reflected about the earthquake in 1983, an event that questioned and continue questioning the identity of Popayan", he said.

The event features works ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ (artist who calls himself this way), Alejandra Millán, Alex Rodriguez, Alexandra Chavez, Andrea Gold, Maya Angela, Antonio Ayala, Cesar Alfaro & Carolina Marin, Fernando Pareja & Leidy Chavez, Guillermo Marín, Jim Fannkugen, Jorge Gómez, Manuel Fernando Rojas, Miller Muñoz Omar Lebaza, precarius tecnologicus, Rened Varona, Sandra Navia, Tania Beltran, William Bahos and William Grajales.

The Collective 83 is an interdisciplinary working group of residents in the city of Popayan, dedicated to producing curatorial projects in unconventional spaces and cultural management in general.

The group made the production of his first exhibition ‘18 Segundos-Se Busca Ciudad’

(18 Seconds Wanted-City) in Popayán during the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the 1983 earthquake during the season of Easter 2013 at the premises of Teatro Bolívar.


For more information, please contact

Collective 83
Cell: 3146906124