
The Dean of the School of Health Sciences participated in the Regional Medical Mission round table.

La Universidad -

During the meeting on August 22, Dr. José Luis Diago Franco showed the proposal of Observatory of Armed Conflict in Cauca.

Dr. Diago Franco participated in the activity by invitation of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.  The meeting was held at the University of Antioquia and local governments and Offices of Health from the departments of Antioquia and Córdoba also attended.

The initiative proposed by Dr. Diago Franco was widely accepted by the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, considering its application and impact on the medical mission.

"The event was oriented to the study and design of strategies for the safety of people who are part of the Medical Mission.  The Armed Conflict in Cauca has become a benchmark that generates information and analysis on the evolution of the conflict in the region, the associated illegality and the effects of violence in the political arena", he said.

Thus, progress is being made in building a partnership between the University of Cauca and the ICRC to develop coursed in Medical Mission with the possibility of including them in the curriculum, and ensure that it becomes a criterion of rural doctors in the country.

The Medical Mission is an activity that the care team does in accordance with their professional obligations and the Ministry of Social Protection. It is defined by the health personnel, property, facilities, institutions, vehicles, equipment, materials needed, participant people and guidelines from the health services in situations or areas of armed zones, natural disasters and calamities.


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School of Health Sciences
Phone: 8234118, ext. 2701