
Experts debate education and virtuality in Unicauca

La Universidad -


During the event called Education and politics in time of the current pandemic, the specialists discussed the relationship with ICTs in the educational process, its possibilities and challenges.


The virtuality for those who do not have access to the internet constitutes an affectation of their fundamental right to education, so who are we going to privilege: those who have access to the internet? Or those who don't? We must seek and call on Latin American creativity to succeed in this crisis caused by the pandemic. "


In this way, the rector of the University of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco presents his position during the Virtual Conversation: Education and politics in time of the current pandemic, an event that was carried out by the Political Science program and the GIAPRIP research group and which it was broadcast on Facebook Live and the YouTube channel.


The activity brought together education specialists, who discussed the new challenges in these times and the impact of ICTs on the educational process in the framework of compulsory isolation.


Edgar Camacho, professor specialist in education at the University of Cauca, referred to the challenge of virtuality to respond and to guarantee the right to education from the State, Institutions and teaching teams so as not to “be complicit in deepening social inequalitiesl". “To a certain extent it could also be understood as discrimination against those people who do not have the possibility of accessing this type of means for their training process. There I think there is a fairly strong dropout issue in the case of public universities. In Colombia, apart from having resources from the nation for the purposes of its operation, there is also a good percentage of those resources that are generated as own resources through the sale of services and part of those resources are used for the functioning of the universities ”, expressed the Teacher.


The Coronavirus is changing the way education is delivered as school and home now become the same place after the necessary quarantine regulations now in place.


"The countries have been affected by having to face the global pandemic that has shaken us all because governments and universities did not prepare for this moment despite the fact that there were already enough signs and warnings about it, just quote one for the brevity of time: In 2007 Google and NASA carried out a study on the university for the XXI century and the requirements of the world of work, "added Luis Bonilla, professor, specialist in education and virtuality, with several international publications on the theme.


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GIAPRIP research group
