
Graduate of Unicauca develops application that benefits farmers and street vendors

La Universidad -

Jhonattan Solarte Martínez, graduated from the Systems Engineering program of the year 2013, developed the application “ComproDesdeCasa” that seeks that informal sellers and farmers can offer their products. It is totally free.


Jhonattan Solarte Martínez is a graduate of the Systems Engineering program in 2013, of the Specialization in development of computer solutions in 2014, and of the Master in Computing this year; and he is the creator of the application “ComproDesdeCasa” that seeks that street vendors and farmers can market their products through the platform at no cost.


"ComproDesdeCasa” “is an app that seeks to help market the products and services of peasants, food producers, small businesses and informal sellers, those of our neighborhood, those of always, with whom we have grown up. This App is very easy to use and does not generate any cost for the users, the seller only has to publish photos of his products or services and give the contact information ”explains Jhonattan about his application.


The application arises from identifying the need for consumers to buy directly, and through a single medium, from the producer, farmer or informal seller; since this information is normally not available in a unified way. Furthermore, this strategy encourages the consumption of products and services directly from merchants and small businesses, which are currently being hit hard by this difficult situation. The App is already available for Android and iOS, in Google Play and in the Apple Store respectively.


The application created in the month of March, allows businesses, vendors and farmers, once they are registered, to publish photographs of their products accompanied by contact information. In the case of users, they can enter and filter by category of available products. Also there are links of interest during this period of health emergency.


For the development of the application, Jhonattan had the support of John Edwin Sánchez, with whom they have an entrepreneurship process called Medical Cloud, and the support of Arlex Fabián Solarte, Graphic Designer graduated from the University of Cauca, who was in charge of the visual design.


In the case of the Medical Cloud project, it is a software in the cloud that supports the administrative and assistance process of patient care in health care centers, low and medium complexity IPS, medical offices, laboratories, pharmacies and aesthetic centers.


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