
Graduate of Unicauca proposes method of disinfecting food and objects with ultraviolet light

La Universidad -

Physical engineer Cesar Alberto Sarria Villa creates a homemade prototype to test an effective disinfection method for food and goods that blocks COVID-19 infection.


 César Alberto Sarria Villa, graduated from the Physical Engineering program of the University of Cauca, founder and manager of HUTEK, with extensive experience in the technology sector, and holder of several patents, creates a homemade prototype to test an effective disinfection method for food and goods that block the contagion crossed by COVID-19, when receiving take out or arriving with contaminated clothing at home.


"We have a common objective: we are all looking for solutions to face this new lifestyle that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought us to," explains the scientist with more than 15 years developing technology in different sectors, including various patents.


 The Engineer has managed to implement a homemade disinfection chamber using local supplies. "UVC light de-configures the RNA of the virus, inhibiting its ability to reproduce when it comes into contact with humans," in addition to counteracting the environmental impact of excessive use of hypochlorite.


"My invitation is that we all look for other types of solutions to the problem. I invite businessmen who sell LED lights to try to bring these lamps because it really is an effective way to combat it without having the trauma we are seeing and without having to run risks at all times, ”said the Graduate of the Universidad del Cauca.


Get to know the proposal of the engineer César Alberto Sarria Villa:


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Vice-Rectory of Research
