
Graduated from Unicauca is a beneficiary of the OAS Scholarship Program for postgraduate studies in Brazil

La Universidad -

Martha Cecilia Machado Velasco graduated from the Anthropology program and a member of the Anthropacific Research Group works on the issue of armed conflict and gender studies.


Martha Cecilia Machado Velasco will carry out interdisciplinary postgraduate studies in Human Sciences at the University of the State of Amazonas as a beneficiary of the scholarship program of the Organization of American States OAS for postgraduate studies in Brazil. The study program begins on March 9 of this year and is estimated to end in February 2022.


To obtain the scholarship, it was necessary to cross two filters, the first by the OAS in terms of compliance with the application requirements and the second by the universities who reviewed the content of the projects and whether or not they were successful for the program chosen one.


“The project that I presented continues a line of research that I started in the undergraduate. The issue of armed conflict and gender studies has been my central line of study and the results will be a contribution to the construction of the country's historical and social memory in the context of the armed conflict and how it was the role of women in these scenarios ”, says the anthropologist and researcher Martha Cecilia Machado Velasco.


The PAEC OEA-GCUB program offers academic scholarships to outstanding citizens of the OAS Member States to carry out masters and doctoral studies at Brazilian universities. The Program of Partnerships for Education and Training PAEC between the Organization of American States OAS and the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities GCUB, is supported by the Division of Educational Issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil and the Pan American Organization of the PAHO / WHO Health. In the year 2019 in its ninth edition, 513 scholarships were offered, of which for reasons beyond the control of the OAS and GCUB, only a total of 170 could be awarded, of which 38 were for Colombians.


The scholarship offers coverage of 100% of the value of the tuition (4 semesters for masters), additionally the OAS grants a single payment of $ 1200 for installation costs in the city where the studies are going to be carried out. On the other hand, the host university gives a monthly contribution during the entire postgraduate of 1500 Reales (Brazilian currency) for support expenses.


“My greatest desire is, firstly, to present in Colombia's international academic scenarios the current situation in relation to the armed conflict and what is being experienced in the post-agreement scenario, the role that women have played in the midst of this phenomenon at the national level but more specifically in the department of Cauca, I also hope that at the end of this stage of training, return to my country and my Alma Mater to replicate what I have learned and continue working to continue contributing to society and the academy ”, concluded the graduate.


More Info:


Anthropology Program

Building of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Calle 4 3-56 Cloister El Carmen, second floor