
INFORSID 2023 Award for a graduate of the Doctorate in Telematic Engineering from Unicauca

La Universidad -

The Doctorate in Telematic Engineering is recognized with High-Quality Accreditation by the CNA, highlighting the excellence in academic training at the University of Cauca and the importance of international scientific cooperation.

Julián Eduardo Plazas Pemberthy, a graduate of the Doctorate in Telematic Engineering from the University of Cauca and Université Clermont Auvergne (France), was awarded on Friday, June 2 in the French city of La Rochelle with the INFORSID 2023 Thesis Award.

The INFORSID association (Information Systems and Decision Information), gathers researchers and professionals each year to discuss engineering and governance issues of information systems, awarding the best thesis in its area.

The research work "UML Profile Centered on Data and Based on Model-Driven Architecture for the Internet of Things," was supervised by professors Juan Carlos Corrales from the University of Cauca, Sandro Bimonte, and Christophe de Vaulx from the INRAE research center and Université Clermont Auvergne. The thesis was developed under an innovative co-tutelage scheme between both institutions, allowing the candidate to obtain a doctorate degree from both universities.

It is worth noting that the Doctorate program in Telematic Engineering is recognized with High-Quality Accreditation by the CNA, emphasizing the excellence in academic training at the University of Cauca and the importance of international scientific cooperation.

In this sense, the achievement of graduate Julián Eduardo Plazas Pemberthy is a source of pride for the University of Cauca and Université Clermont Auvergne, underlining the impact and success that international academic collaboration can have on professional training and the advancement of scientific research.