
Medical graduate of Unicauca publishes article on COVID 19

La Universidad -


The document seeks to guide medical personnel on the neurological manifestations and complications frequently found in patients with COVID-19 infection.


Jorge Andrés Sánchez Duque, doctor and first-year resident of Family Medicine at the University of Cauca, published in the magazine SEMERGEN, a magazine indexed in PubMed and in Scopus Q3, the third manuscript where he participates on behalf of the attached Health, Family and Society Research Group to the Department of Social Medicine and Family Health.


"This is a Letter to the Editor, whose focus is to guide medical personnel about the neurological manifestations and complications frequently found in patients with COVID-19 infection," said the Doctor of the publication.


“Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is causing enormous global public health problems due to its rapid expansion, which is why it was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a public health emergency of global importance and cataloged as a pandemic on January 30 and March 11, 2020, respectively, ”reads the document published at the following link:


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Faculty of Health Sciences
