
Office of the Vice President for Research strengthens the editorial process of the magazine ‘Justice and Law’

La Universidad -

The publication of the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences of the University of Cauca will soon be on the Alma Mater Online Magazine Portal, as an initiative of periodic dissemination in the Open Journal Systems system.


The Vice-Rectory of research from University of Cauca with the aim of strengthening and creating policies that promote the dissemination of knowledge in scientific and academic circuits, called for the publication of online journals 2020 which invited the university community to present the magazines they considered relevant. The Journal of Justice and Law, of the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences, complied with the requirements stipulated in the terms of reference of the call according to the evaluation carried out by the Journal Committee and was endorsed by the Research Council, in that sense Support will be given to the editorial team of the magazine in the process of integration into the university magazine system and visibility on the university portal.


 Víctor Hugo López Zemanate, Editor-in-Chief of the publication, expressed that the above is important since, as it is endorsed by the Faculty and the Vice-Rectory for research, the Journal gains relevance and institutional identity, and also allows its dissemination to be broader and may reach more people not only at the regional level, but at the national and international level, when visited by people belonging to other institutions.


He highlighted the work of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research, since its support is materialized with the advice of the editorial committee and the magazine committee of the University of Cauca, and with the training of the magazine's team. "The importance of journals in the investigative and scientific work lies in several aspects: dissemination, dialogue with other authors, knowledge construction, as an indicator of accreditation and request for qualified records, and of course continuous learning for the authors and the magazines. In the field of Law it becomes a relatively recent activity because the research, in some cases, did not have the academic credits in the study plans. For Law, magazines become a great opportunity to grow in research as they are an unexplored mole”.


The journal aspires to have continuity with annual periodicals that allow it to consolidate itself as a multidisciplinary scientific publication. In principle with the area of ​​Law, then with the participation of sciences related to the human and social areas.


Currently, the magazine is in the process of migrating data and content to the University of Cauca portal, so that, as soon as the mission is achieved, it will be enough to enter the University of Cauca platform in the "magazines" option to find the contents.


Finally, the Editor invited the university community to visit the web portal of the magazine, where information related to the Calls for the presentation of articles is reported.


The key dates for the selection and publication of the articles of the 7th edition of the magazine are:



1. Start date of the call: April 27, 2020.


2. Deadline to send articles: May 31, 2020.


3. Deadline to return articles with comments from peer reviewers: June 28, 2020.


4. Deadline for authors to send corrected articles: July 26, 2020.


5. Article publication confirmation date: August 23, 2020.


6. Date of publication of the magazine in the Unicauca’s magazine portal, and physical and digital legal deposit in the National Library of Colombia: September 30, 2020.



The magazine Justice and law was born in 2012 from the hand of the student Carlos Andrés Pérez, who decided to develop strategies to consolidate processes within the work team and be able to leave it in the hands of the Universidad del Cauca, this was possible thanks to the members of the Committee Editorial, and to the efforts of María Camila Alzate Castrillón, who made the link to apply for the Journal, beginning with the search for the support of Dean Edgar Camacho Godoy of the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences, who endorsed the application to the Call.


The publication begins as an independent project that aimed to promote legal research among students in the region. This initiative went beyond the personal, thanks to the participation of young authors and editors from various parts of the country for seven years, and today it has the institutional support of Alma Mater.


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Vice-Rectory for Investigations
