
Popayán lives intensely, University Week of the Trumpet

La Universidad -


University of Cauca students interested in being part of the Youth in Action National Government Program, attended massively the pre-registration work done during the last three days.


After this process, the Department for Social Prosperity (DPS), will be in charge of validating all the information delivered by the students, who, in order to meet the established requirements, will begin to enjoy, starting in October, the incentives, which they seek to contribute in their training processes and combat issues of concern such as university dropout.


"If they leave beneficiaries they will receive an incentive of 400 thousand pesos for the fact of enrolling. For basic notes getting an average of 3.2 receive another 400 thousand pesos, and par excellence are given an additional incentive of 200 thousand pesos. Excellence is for students who average more than 4.1 and above," said Ricardo Andrés Barrios, a DPS official.


The pre registration was programmed as follows:


- 29 August: identification documents terminated at 1, 2, 3, 4

- 30 August: identification documents completed at 5, 6, 7

- 31 August: identification documents completed at 8, 9 and 0.


It should be noted that the Youth in Action Program benefits displaced students, indigenous people who are part of the United Network, young people with protection measures of ICBF or SISBEN below level II.


Any additional questions about the process can be consulted through the IES Youth for Action link, located in the Office of the Vice-President of Culture and Welfare of the University of Cauca - Casa Museo Mosquera / Calle 3 Nº 5-14 de Popayán .


More information


Vicerrectoría de Cultura y Bienestar

Telephone: 820 99 00 - Ext. 1131
