
Rector of Unicauca participates in the virtual forum with different sectors of the region

La Universidad -

During his speech, the rector José Luis Diago Franco exposed the situation of the students in Popayán and regretted that tests carried out by COVID -19, are still few in the region.


Three hundred students from other regions of the country remain trapped in Popayán after measures adopted by the COVID pandemic - 19. This was explained by José Luis Diago, rector of the University of Cauca during the virtual forum with productive unions, social organizations, political leaders and representatives of Higher Education Institutions of the region, activity moderated by the Mayor's Office of Popayán.


During his speech, the Rector of Alma Mater said that the university students did not manage to return to their departments and now they are experiencing difficulties in the Cauca capital, "We have made several attempts with the governments but the response has been meager. That is why the University assumed the cost of humanitarian maintenance for this population, "said the University Director.


Another topic that was addressed was the number of tests carried out in the region by COVID -19. "The low number of samples taken in Cauca is very worrying because that does not allow an adequate visualization of the evolution of the emergency in medical terms," ​​added the Rector of the University of Cauca, indicating that it is necessary to streamline processes to obtain greater results and reports.


The university leader specified that the social crisis is aggravated since a large part of the population residing in Cauca "lives on informality, which is a great challenge for all the institutions in the region," he pointed out.


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University of Cauca Rectory
