
Researchers from Unicauca benefited from Call 891 of the ministry of science

La Universidad -

Research groups, students and professionals from the University of Cauca benefited from the Call 891 of Ministries aimed at strengthening vocations and training in CTeI for economic reactivation in the context of the post-pandemic 2020.


The purpose of the call was to facilitate the linking of young undergraduate researchers and innovators and recently graduated professionals, to support the development of R & D & I projects in the context of the economic reactivation of the post-pandemic, through the formation of a list of eligible.


Through the first mechanism of this, the Group of Environmental Studies GEA and the Group in Science and Engineering in Environmental Systems GCISA, will link for a year young researchers and innovators of undergraduate and professionals to their research activities.


The young researchers and innovators will develop the proposed activities under the direction of a tutor, a member of the research group to which he belongs, which is why the teacher and tutor María Cristina Gallego Ropero explained that the previous achievement was carried out taking into account that the GEA research group, together with the Universidad del Valle, the ANDAKI Foundation and the Doña Juana Cascabel Natural Park, since 2019 executes a project focused on the conservation of biodiversity, birds and nature tourism, winner of the Call 808-2018 and supported by the national program of science, technology and innovation in environment, biodiversity and habitat of the ministry of science.


“Upon having an approved project, the Ministry released a new call in which it provided resources to support young researchers and simultaneously it could be applied to undergraduate students in the last semester. In this way, our graduates and, in addition, last semester students and members of our research hotbed on Functional Diversity and Ecosystem Services are included in the proposal, which showed interest in the topic that was being worked on and will be linked to work within the project thanks to the call 891 of the ministry of science. The result in their personal and professional training that they will obtain working on this project is very important”, expressed María Cristina Gallego Ropero.


Natalia Pérez Lobato is the researcher at the undergraduate level and Whitny Katelin Ulloa Quilindo is the one who will be as a young professional researcher. “As a member of the seedbed I can provide support to the processes and activities that are being developed within the project, so being the beneficiary of the call makes me feel happy and content because being linked to research will allow me to develop skills and strengthen others, what will help me in my professional, personal and academic process”commented Natalia Pérez Lobato.


For its part, the Group in Science and Engineering in Environmental Systems GCISA will have the participation of the undergraduate student Paola Andrea Rivera Chantre and Daniel Alejandro Hoyos López, the young professional researcher.


“Both research groups managed to win the call. This is very relevant for undergraduate and professional students, it is the result of effort, of betting on the procedures and other issues imposed by the ministry but that as a result give a happy ending, "said teacher Juan Carlos López Zapata.


The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation will finance 100% of the total value of the scholarship - internship for each young undergraduate and professional researcher and innovator where, for 12 months, there will be the financing of monthly payments to young people.


The University of Cauca, through its Vice-rector for Research, invites the academic and research community to be attentive to the messages that are shared through institutional channels since the application of this type of calls contributes to the professional development of the human talent of the institution and consequently to the social and regional development of the department.


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Vice-rectory for Investigations
