
For the sixth time, the Unicauca Editorial Development Area participates in FILBO 2020

La Universidad -

The University of Cauca, through the Editorial Development Area, will be present at FILBO 2020 with the launch of two publications: "The University Radio, A Way to Educate" written by Sandra Lorena Rojas Villamuez and Alexander Buendía; and "Text Guide for the Diagnosis and Management of HIV in Pregnancy" by Rodolfo León Peña Casas.


The Editorial Development Area of the University of Cauca participates in the Bogotá International Book Fair which, for its XXXIII edition, will take place virtually due to the COVID -19 pandemic. The strategy, which is carried out from April 21 to May 05, is called #LaFilboEnCasa and aims to transfer its different academic and exhibition spaces to the virtual world.


As usual for 6 years, the Editorial Seal of the University of Cauca presents different publications by academics from the Institution. On this occasion, the works will be presented through the Facebook of Editorial Universidad del Cauca and through the online Book Fair.


Thus, for Monday, May 4, 2020 at 4:00 in the afternoon, the book launch ‘The University Radio, a means to educate’ written by teachers Sandra Lorena Rojas Villamuez and Alexander Buendía will be launched. This text gathers a series of reflections on university radio and its relationship with education carried out through a theoretical analysis that later leads to a case study of two university radio stations: Unicauca Estéreo and Javeriana Estéreo-Cali.


Subsequently, for Tuesday May 5 at 11:00 am, will be present the publication ‘Guidance Text for the Diagnosis and Management of HIV in Pregnancy’ written by Rodolfo León Peña Casas. This book is an academic reference tool for undergraduate and graduate students and different health professionals; it is a compendium that teaches in a simple and didactic way the fundamental pillars for the prevention of perinatal transmission of HIV.


"This is a strategy that depends a lot on networks and internet connection, however, it is important to make the authors known through the Virtual Fair and through the Association of University Publishers of Colombia ASEUC, the authors will have an audience that they will listen to them and know that these books are available to the academic public, mainly, ”said Mario Delgado Noguera, General Editor of Publications at the Universidad del Cauca.


The invitation is for the University community to participate in these virtual spaces so that they know the editorial work of the authors and academics of the Alma Mater. 


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Editorial Development Area
