
Swiss magazine publishes research article on Unicauca’s graduates

La Universidad -

The study called “Context-Aware Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning Systems: Research Gaps and Challenges” is the result of research by systems engineers Oscar Santiago López Erazo, David Santiago García Chicangana, Carolina González Serrano and Jorge Adrián Muñoz.


Graduates of the Systems Engineering program at the University of Cauca Oscar Santiago López Erazo, David Santiago García Chicangana, Carolina González Serrano, Jorge Adrián Muñoz and the professor at the National University of Colombia Jovani Alberto Jiménez Builes publish the article “Context-Aware Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning Systems: Research Gaps and Challenges ”, in the category“ International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning ”of Switzerland category B according to Colciencias.


The article with a title "Context-aware mobile and ubiquitous learning systems: research gaps and challenges", is part of the thesis "ExploraGo - Mobile prototype based on context to promote active learning in museums", developed by Oscar Santiago López Erazo and David Santiago García Chicangana and directed by Dr. Carolina González Serrano and by Engineer Jorge Adrián Muñoz.


In this study, a systematic mapping was carried out with the aim of providing a more updated overview of the state of the art, identifying gaps and future works in mobile and ubiquitous devices, context-aware learning systems, especially in the most widely used entities in the world. Context, content adaptation, user information extraction and “gamification” strategies that have been applied in informal contexts.


“Our results show that the user's location and profile are the most used context entities; that the most used type of adaptation is the adaptation of educational resources; that “gamification” strategies improve learning experiences in informal contexts; and that different studies were presented that aimed to extract user information indirectly ”, concludes engineer Oscar Santiago López Erazo


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