
Unicauca calls for Solidarity and Intercultural Market

La Universidad -

Luis Alfredo Londoño, Faculty of Agrarian Sciences dean, called on the general public to participate in the Solidarity and Intercultural Market, an activity scheduled to take place on Friday, August 25, starting at 8:00 a.m. The morning, at the Headquarters of the Cauca Departmental Coffee Growers Committee.


The Solidarity and Intercultural Market is part of a bet and a process that has been developed from the Center for Research, Promotion and Social Innovation for the Caucana Caficulture, Caficultura, a project developed jointly by the University, the Department's Governance and The Departmental Committee of Coffee Growers.


According to Professor Londoño, what this initiative seeks is to strengthen farmer economies, and to stimulate productive diversity, which, along with coffee, opens spaces for other types of crops. In that sense he maintained that "this forces a commitment as consumers to support this diversified production".


The activity in question then calls on the entire university community, producers, and citizens in general to approach this market as a way to support indigenous, peasant and afro-descendant production under agro-ecological principles to generate local markets and strengthen Consumption of environmentally sound products and reduce environmental footprints.


As a particular element for this market is promoting a 'solidarity bond', which can be purchased in advance with the objective of using it as an alternative currency in the aforementioned event and to be able to acquire the products offered.


The bonuses, which start at $1000, can be purchased with members of the organizing committee at the headquarters of Cicaficultura, and in the faculties of Agricultural Sciences, and Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences.


More information:

Center for Research, Promotion and Social Innovation for the Development of the Caucana Caficultura - Cicaficultura

Phone: 8353481
