
Unicauca makes its support available for the treatment of COVID19

La Universidad -

The University of Cauca ratifies the help it can provide to the municipal and departmental authorities and the San José University Hospital, for the care of patients who are diagnosed with COVID19.


In cooperation with the San José University Hospital, the Mayor's Office of Popayán and the Cauca Government, the University of Cauca will provide two physical spaces that will address the care of patients who are diagnosed with COVID19, once the capacity in the assistance center runs out, indicated the rector of the Alma Mater of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco.


The director explained that the university is willing to collaborate and provide the support required for the treatment of this virus, which has become a pandemic, and which has several countries in the world in preventive isolation.


In this sense, firstly the parking lot of the Faculty of Health Sciences will be provided for the care of these patients, and depending on the needs, the University Sports Center will also be adapted.


For this purpose, these two university spaces will be adapted with tents and specialized equipment by the competent authorities, so that patients diagnosed with COVID19 receive personalized attention for the treatment of this pathology.


Likewise, the loan of a bus from the university will be facilitated to establish a route that will transport health personnel in the city of Popayán, articulating joint actions. To these actions is added the preparation of the Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology to carry out COVID19 tests, according to a cooperation agreement signed with the National Institute of Health.



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