
Unicauca Solidaria again calls for the voluntary contribution of teachers and administrators

La Universidad -

This initiative, aimed at the voluntary donation between one to four days of salary for the May payroll of University of Cauca officials, seeks to provide aid to students of the University who, due to reasons of preventive isolation, were unable to reach their homes and they stayed in the city of Popayán.


Voices of thanks and blessings for the university community was the balance of the first call for Unicauca Solidaria, by 500 students and 42 people who have businesses around the university (cafeterias, candy stalls, photocopies), towards teachers and administrators who voluntarily linked themselves to this call for solidarity.


Taking into account that we continue in social isolation, we once again resort to goodwill to continue this social support to those who at this time lack the resources to solve their basic needs.


If you agree with this voluntary contribution, we invite you to fill out the form that arrived in your email before May 15, 2020.


Form link:


 To be part of this institutional strategy that seeks voluntary support, you must fill out the form that has been arranged for this purpose before Friday, May 15


The University Directorate appreciates this voluntary contribution that will help those who currently require our collaboration to fulfill the quarantine in the best way.


More Info:


Unicauca Solidaria
