
Unicauca student conducts study on happiness and unhappiness in software development communities

La Universidad -

Academy - Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Eduardo Nicolás Pérez Paredes from the Systems Engineering program will present the results of this research during the International Conference on Information Technology & Systems - ICITS 2023.

The article describes the preliminary results obtained as part of the research project carried out by the student of the Systems Engineering program Eduardo Nicolás Pérez Paredes, who is under the direction of Professor PhD. MSc. César Jesús Pardo Calvache and the MSc. Carlos Eduardo Orozco Garcés, members of the Information Technology R&D Group (GTI) and professors from the Systems Department of the Universidad del Cauca.

 Systems Eduardo Nicolás Pérez Paredes will participate as a speaker on the article entitled "Analysis of the state of the art about (un)happiness in agile software development communities" at the event called International Conference on Information Technology & Systems - ICITS 2023, which will be will take place at the National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco, in Cusco, Peru.

The paper presents a systematic mapping of the literature, where the works, advances and advances of the topic related to the study of social debt in software communities in agile contexts are analyzed, in particular it focuses on the identification of causes and consequences. of happiness and unhappiness in these contexts. The study analyzes the different existing proposals in order to know the methodologies and results obtained by other authors.


Thanks to this analysis, various conclusions are obtained, among them, it has been possible to observe that happiness and unhappiness directly influence the success or failure of the projects carried out in the context of Software Engineering; Likewise, that previous studies have been carried out that seek to know the importance of soft skills in the members that participate during the software development process and their influence on the emotional health of software communities. In addition, the study also made it possible to observe that, although there is growing interest, the reported works are few, which brings great opportunities to contribute by defining solutions that allow measuring, managing and controlling these events.


It is pertinent to highlight that the research topic covered is new and can be correlated with other aspects, for example: with the success of software development projects and the convergence that this may have with the technical errors that occur in IT projects. . Finally, the importance of working on these types of issues is highlighted, given that; The percentage of remote jobs (jobs with virtual presence) has increased by 159% since 2009 and this scenario presents a demanding scenario with great challenges, not only technical for professionals, but also emotional.

 related link

Professor César Pardo is a tenured professor at the University of Cauca and a member of the Information Technology Research Group - GTI, Colombia. He is a Systems Engineer from Unicauca (2006), PhD (2012) and Master's (2009) in Computer Engineering from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. Teacher, researcher and consultant with more than 16 years of experience in topics related to: gender (inclusion, leadership and equality), social debt in the software industry, process debt, technical debt, DevOps, scaled agile approaches, product quality and processes, software process improvement (Software Process Improvement), global software development, Alzheimer's and pervasive games, bad odors in software requirements, community odors in software development, hybrid models and agile approaches to managing teams work and the development of products and services.


Information on the productivity of Professor César Pardo can be found at the following links: -


The student and professors related to this work are grateful for the support of Professor PhD. Carlos Alberto Cobos Lozada, director of the GTI Research group, to the dean of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications, the MSc. Alejandro Toledo Tovar and the PhD. Luz Marina Sierra, coordinator of the Master's in Computing, who financed the presentation of this article at the ICITS 2023 conference.


The papers accepted at the conference will be published in a Special Edition of the RISTI magazine and in a book of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Springer), which will be sent for indexing to Scopus, WoS, DBLP, Google Scholar, among others. .


More Info:


PhD. Cesar Jesus Pardo Calvache

GTI Research Group Member

Telephone 8209800 Ext. 2145



PhD. Carlos Alberto Cobos Lozada

GTI Research Group Member

Telephone 8209800 Ext. 2119
