
Unicauca students get scholarship from the German DAAD Exchange Service

La Universidad -

During the academic exchange, students will present their advances in the area of HCI within the Universidad del Cauca and their undergraduate and doctoral thesis with professors attached to the IDIS research group.


Students in the field of Engineering, unified by the seedbed of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) with the accompaniment of PhD. César Collazos, and the advice of the PhD student Vanessa Agredo, obtained a scholarship granted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), a German national body that aims to promote the exchange between German universities and other countries.


The scholarship “Study trips for groups of foreign students in Germany” from which this group will be a beneficiary, is intended to sponsor an eleven day trip in which students and professor will attend various universities in Germany that are working within the area of Human Computer Interaction, allowing to strengthen relations with these international academic entities, and analyze options for working together on HCI issues.


This multidisciplinary group that will travel to Germany in May is made up of Professor César Collazos (Coordinator of the IDIS Group), Vanessa Agredo (PhD student in Electronics Sciences), Juan Sebastián Guzmán, Natalia Sofía Quiñones, Isabela Toledo , Juan Pablo Murillo, and Santiago Martínez belonging to the Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications program, as well as Andrés Felipe Agudelo, Daniel Ardila, Leidy Fernández, Ingrith Carolina Muñoz, John Martínez, and Diego Bambagüe, of the Systems Engineering program, together with Nayibe Hurtado and Ludwing Nicole Palomino of the Physical Engineering program.


The specialized institutes that are planned to be visited are: Institute of Media Technology, TU Ilmenau, Fraunhofer-Institut für Digitale Medientechnologie IDMT, the Quality and Usability Lab, TU Berlin, the HCI Institute and the University of Würzburg.


During this visit, students will present their progress made in the area of ​​HCI within the University of Cauca. It is worth mentioning that all students are doing their Thesis work (undergraduate, Doctorate) with professors attached to the IDIS group of the University of Cauca.


More Info:


Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications

Telephone: 8209800, Ext. 2100
