
Unicauca suspends face-to-face activities until June 29

La Universidad -

Through Rectoral Resolution 0247, the University of Cauca indicates that administrative activities are suspended within the physical spaces of the Universidad del Cauca, starting at 8:00 a.m. from Monday, April 13 to Monday, June 29, 2020.


Taking into account the detection and increase of cases of coronavirus COVID - 19 in Colombia, and particularly in the municipality of Popayán, the University of Cauca continues to adopt measures to safeguard people's lives, in accordance with national and local guidelines. , for which administrative activities within university facilities are suspended until Monday, June 29, 2020.


"It is a process of raising awareness of the pandemic that is occurring, and with this decision we guarantee social isolation for three months, without that meaning that the university processes are paralyzed, on the contrary we continue to carry out actions but from virtuality" , indicated the rector of the University of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco


He added that if there is a change in the public health issue, the measure can be reevaluated, otherwise it would be maintained. "As part of these administrative processes, the contract for occasional teachers and the institutional procedures that are being carried out in the work-at-home mode by officials are guaranteed, as well as the planning of inter-semestral courses," added the University Director.


"I am convinced of adopting all the necessary measures, and in many countries decisions of this nature have been taken, especially due to the concentration of people in the same space," he stressed.


Finally, he indicated that we should all be in solidarity with the situation in the country and in the world, the virus is circulating, we do not know the real effect of the epidemic in Popayán, so carrying out activities in person at this time is not the best option


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University of Cauca Rectory
