
Unicauca teachers contribute to the preparation of the document on the professional practice of Speech Therapy in the current context

La Universidad -

Amparo López Higuera, Luisa Fernanda Ordóñez Daza and Jeannette Campo Ayala participated together with teachers from different Colombian universities in the creation of the document "Expert Consensus: Guidelines for the professional practice of the speech pathologist in the SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19 context" .


The teachers Amparo López Higuera, Luisa Fernanda Ordóñez Daza and Jeannette Campo Ayala from the Speech Therapy program at the University of Cauca participated in the preparation of the document “Expert Consensus: Guidelines for the professional practice of the speech therapist in the SARS-COV-2 context / COVID-19 ”, under the direction of the Colombian College of Speech Therapists CCF.


The document in its first edition and with ISBN: 978-958-53249-0-9 constitutes the first proposal to provide the country's speech therapists with a tool for responsible and safe professional performance, with all the necessary ethical considerations.


“Because Speech Therapy is developed in various professional practice scenarios, the first proposal arises to provide, to those who practice it, basic guidelines that allow guaranteeing the safety of professionals, users, families and / or caregivers, susceptible to expansion and adjustments, as the knowledge of the virus and the behavior of the pandemic in our country advances”, reads in the generalities of the mentioned text.


The teachers of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Cauca participated together with their peers from other Institutions of Higher Education in the country in the development of this first version that stems from the need for the speech therapy profession to adapt to the context of SARS-COV-2, which in March 2020 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization - WHO.


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Speech Therapy Program
