
Unicauca will continue in virtuality with a projection to the presence

La Universidad -

The Rectory of the University of Cauca issued Resolutions 106 and 107 of 2021, through which it extended work-at-home activities until June 25; the Academic Vice-Rectory with Resolution 048 authorizes the gradual opening of academic spaces.


The first academic period of 2021 will have two components at the University of Cauca, a virtual part and another with gradual opening of academic spaces, as part of the preventive actions of COVID 19.


This was made known through Resolutions R-106, R-107 and VRA 048 issued by the Rectory and the Academic Vice-Rectory, indicating that until June 25, 2021, university activities will have a greater virtual component in administrative and academic matters. .


The decisions made by the University Directorate are also in accordance with the measures regulated by the National Government related to the recommendations to the different Territorial Entities to prevent and control the spread of Covid-19 in the national territory.


Due to the foregoing, the provisions of Rectoral Resolution 207 of 2020 were extended, by which preventive administrative measures are taken against the threat of COVID 19, such as carrying out massive activities, for any kind of events, whether they are academic, collective degree, sports or administrative ceremonies that involve the participation of third parties, institutional or on behalf of the University of Cauca.


Likewise, the Academic Vice-rectory authorizes the gradual use of laboratories that are required for the practice of academic activities between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, as well as academic spaces that are required for the development of extramural practices, rotations, field trips, access to bibliographic resources and media (Media and Resources and Bibliographic Division) and other activities inherent to the curriculum of each program.


It is noteworthy that, for the development of these activities, each Unit in charge will establish the schedule and the conditions through which the entry of students and teaching staff who require it will be allowed, in compliance with the biosafety protocol approved by Resolution 329 of 2020.


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