
Unicauca’s teacher participates in the Panama History Seminar: "Reflections on the Bicentennial"

La Universidad -

The professor of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Edgar Velásquez Rivera will present a conference during the event that seeks to reflect on the Hispanic-American and Panamanian independence movement.


The professor of the University of Cauca Edgar Velásquez Rivera will present the conference "The Amphictyonic Congress of 1826 and its historical legacy" during the Seminar on the History of Panama: "Reflections on the Bicentennial" that takes place from February 22 to 26 in a virtual.



See schedule:



The event that is part of the International Summer School 2021 seeks to reflect on the process that leads to the Hispanic-American and Panamanian independence movement.


Similarly, examine the characteristics of Panamanian society throughout the nineteenth century, understand the sociocultural and political-ideological contradictions that occurred throughout the nineteenth century between Panama and Colombia, and within Panamanian society, which were generating the conditions that led to the independence of Panama in 1903 and to value the legacy of the process of formation of the Panamanian nation throughout the nineteenth century in shaping the national identity and nation projects up to the present.


The importance of the Seminar lies in reinforcing the theoretical approach to the History of Panama in the 19th century, which goes beyond the framework of Political History to understand the various facets of its impact and influence on Panamanian society and culture.


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Faculty of Human and Social Sciences