
The USBMed magazine publishes research on IoT by a Computer Science Master's student from Unicauca

La Universidad -

Oscar Santiago López Erazo, under the guidance of the Department of Systems' professor, Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, is conducting this research aiming to establish a set of architectural practices and their quality requirements for the development of IoT-based software products.

The article 'IoTAP: Architecture Design Practices and their Quality Requirements in the Context of IoT-based Software Development' has been accepted for publication in the USBMed Engineering Journal, affiliated with the University of San Buenaventura, Medellín campus. The mentioned document is the result of research bearing the same title and is being conducted by Oscar Santiago López Erazo, a Master's student in Computer Science, and Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, a Systems Engineering lecturer, both members of the IDIS (Research and Development in Software Engineering) group at the University of Cauca.

The USBMed journal is classified in Publindex as category C. This research article is supported by professors Andrés Felipe Hurtado Banguero and Víctor Manuel Peñeñory from the University of San Buenaventura, Cali, who are members of the LIDIS (Software Engineering Development Research Laboratory) group affiliated with the Systems Department, where the student Oscar Santiago López Erazo is conducting a research internship.

"The present thesis proposal aims to establish a set of architectural practices and their quality requirements for developing IoT-based software products, considering the special characteristics of this paradigm and leveraging the ISO/IEC 25010 standard to enhance product quality in this domain. This work would provide useful methodological mechanisms to the industry for addressing the architectural design of IoT-intensive software products," mentioned Oscar Santiago López Erazo, a Master's student in Computer Science.

In a scientific context, this research contributes to advancing knowledge in software architecture and the challenges it faces in new scenarios, such as those presented by IoT. 'Developing good software architecture along with best practices contributes to the evaluation, modeling, development, and execution, strengthening the quality and functionality of IoT-based software products,' he added.

'A good architecture also assists in abstracting heterogeneous hardware components, ensuring smooth operations, including network protocols,' he further noted.

The IDIS group has been significantly advancing in the field of software engineering, considering new scenarios such as blockchain, edge computing, software in robotics, and their specificities. From an academic perspective, this set of practices can be utilized in courses from different undergraduate programs that focus on IoT as a central theme or as a design context (Systems, Electronics, Automation, and Mechatronics)