
We claim peace as a right: Rector of Unicauca

La Universidad -


Social Interaction - Friday, December 23, 2022

We claim peace as a right: Rector of Unicauca

From the Caldas de Popayán Park and in different municipal squares in the department of Cauca, Institutions and citizens joined in the clamor for Total Peace.

Currently there is a very important social call: to claim peace as a right. "I believe that it is a constitutional right because it goes beyond the signing of agreements. It is about being able to achieve the conditions so that people can lead their lives in the absence of armed conflict, in harmony with nature and with other people. with which they coexist", stated the rector of the University of Cauca, Deibar René Hurtado Herrera, in the Caldas de Popayán park during the event called by different Institutions to reiterate the demand for a Cauca in peace, which took place last Thursday December 22th.


“I think that this has to be the will of all university students and of society in general to find the conditions that allow this violence to end and, at the same time, the conditions and solutions for the structural causes that generate the violence.

The University Board added that peace is not the absence of conflict. “Conflict is inherent to being human. What we have to learn is to settle our differences non-violently. And in this sense, the fundamental role played by education and pedagogy for peace can be developed by all of us from our daily lives, our primary socialization spaces such as in the workplace, schools, companies, etc. It is a change of attitude, it is disarming the heart to accept the other in their differences and to be able to coexist with them”.


For his part, the mayor of Popayán, Juan Carlos López Castrillón, emphasized that Cauca stands as a white flag area to send a message against war and violence. “We raise a plea, a prayer and blessings to the Most High so that they do not continue blinding the lives of young people. Finally, this is a confrontation of fratricidal violence between brothers and that is what we do not want; there may be situations, but there is no merit in ending lives, so that is our purpose and great message”.

“Our solidarity with the public force and the army that are being attacked. They, finally, are children of this land. We hope that this confrontation will also cease. All conflicts can be resolved through dialogue, that is the path that Colombia has chosen for years and that process must be strengthened”, concluded the Mayor of Popayán.


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