

La Universidad -

Juan Diego Castrillon and representatives of Citizen Watchdog Historical and Natural Heritage, VEER Popayan, met to discuss the new FCHS building.

The University Board referred to the group's legitimate concern about the cultural identity of the city of Popayan. "We thank the proactive interests and we know that the architectural structure of the building is not up for debate but in reality where the issue relies is the communication problem between the institution and the civic organization, a problem we are surpassing," he said.

The work will be 70% completed by December of this year and will open in October 2016 addressing the concerns of the institutionl architectural and historic identity without ignoring the interests and contributions of VEER Popayan.

The project's architect and a member of its oversight committee Diego Caldas Varona, said the initiative responds to the citizen concerns for the building in question.

"We have no objection to the construction of the new building Unicauca as it adheres to the guidelines of the Special Plan for Management and Protection of the Historic Sector, MTSP, pertaining to its facade although it is a modern building" he concluded.

More information:
President's Office
Universidad del Cauca
Telephone: 8209800, ext. 1100