Graduate Specialization in pediatrics

Child health is a priority of healthcare worldwide. In addition to the diseases that are specific to inadequate living conditions and have their origin in state abandonment conditions, other pathogens emerge that originated due to environmental causes, genetic disorders, mental disorders and trauma, the latter caused by accidents and armed conflict in the country.

In the Cauca department and Colombia, professionals with a profile according to the demographic structure and a comprehensive approach to child health are required in order to address health problems and major prevalent and emerging diseases (violence, genetic, child abuse).

In this sense, the type of population and problems affecting children requires suitable and sensible personnel in order to achieve a comprehensive health approach. Pediatrics is a priority area of health, widely developed and validated by the international community, represented by organizations such as WHO (World Health Organization), PAHO (Pan America Health Organization), and AAP (American Association of Pediatrics).

The specialist should focus on the promotion of health, prevention of risk factors, development of protective factors, and care and rehabilitation of the individual and collective disease.


Degree: Pediatrician.

Program Coordinator: Victoria Eugenia Solano

Place where it is offered: Popayan.

Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting.

Schedule: Day classes

Duration: Three (3) Years.

Admission: Annual.

Code SNIES: 244.


For more information please contact

Office of Graduate Studies

Calle 4 # 3-73 Popayán
Tel: 8209800 ext. 2712 ó 2701.
