Graduate Specialization in Tax Management

The Specialization in Tax Management emerges in response to the rapid changes in our society suited to advance scientific research, information technology, and new working relationships. The program is committed to train the professional in comprehensive manner to perform in a turbulent and changing world.

The training in the Specialization in Tax Management seeks to expand and deepen the knowledge and skills necessary for the professional to assume new roles in XXI century.  His or her professional development will be expanded in the area of taxes, based on specialized knowledge, practices and methods.

Degree: Specialist in Tax Managment.

Program Coordinator: Ciro Alirio Figueroa Lopez

Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting.

Duration: Two (2) Semesters.

Code SNIES: 2970.


For more information please contact

Office of Graduate Studies
Calle 4 # 3-73 Popayán
Tel: 8209800 ext. 2712 ó 2701.