Research lines

The Masters is supported by the following groups and lines of research:


Comparative Social Studies Group

Research Lines:

- Anthropology of beliefs and religions.
- Identity, power, conflict, war, and social groups.
- Processes and social and cultural changes in the currencies.
- Anthropology of knowledge and technology.
- Gender relations and re-constitution of societies and cultures.


Legal Anthropology, History, and Ethnology

Research Lines:

- Legal Anthropology.
- Construction of otherness and worldview.
- Special Indigenous Jurisdiction
- Crime History.



Research Lines:

- Human Being, environment, and society.
- Human Being and history.
- Human Being, health, and quality of life.
- Medical systems and intercultural.
- Ethnomedicine.
- Intercultural epidemiology.
- Relation body-language-thought.
- Representations of the human body, health, and disease.
- Medicine as a reflection of thought.
- Food, history, symbolism, and food security.
- Life plans


Regional Archaeological Studies

- Study of prehispanic societies.
- Historical archaeology.
- Preventive and rescue archaeology.


Linguistic, pedagogical, and cultural studies in southwestern Colombia.

- Cultures, language, and education.

- Ethnoeducation and school.
- Life plans.
- Linguistic description.
- Sociolinguistic.
- Ethnolinguistic.
- Conceptualization of education in non-Western perspective: cognitive and cultural identity.
- Diversity and knowledge.



- Biomedical anthropology.
- Growth and development.
- Epidemiological anthropology.


Cauca Culinary Heritage

- Culinary.
- Cultural heritage and ethnography.
- Cultural studies.
- History of mentalities and imaginary.