
Course on beetles and their contribution to ecosystems, concludes at the University of Cauca

La Universidad -

The academic space that took place on March 2 in the maximum room of the Faculty of Natural, Exact and Educational Sciences addressed case studies on beetles as bio-indicators of ecosystems.


Coprophage beetles for Dummies. Case studies on the importance of bio-indicators in ecological studies ”, is the name of the academic event that took place on March 2, 2020 at the Faculty of Natural, Exact and Educational Sciences, and which included the participation of Jorge Ari Noriega, research professor at the University of Los Andes.


"Coprophagous or baseball cockroaches receive different names depending on the region of the world where they are found and the presence of these beetles is very important for ecosystems and human beings," said the Investigator.


Hence the requirement for greater biological studies that has coprophagous beetles as bio-indicators, and based on these investigations, make decisions for the restoration and conservation of ecosystems.


The course was organized by the Department of Biology with the support of the Continuous, Open and Virtual Education Center of the University of Cauca.


More Info:


Continuous, Open and Virtual Education Center

Telephone: 8209800 Ext. 3203
