
INNpulsa Colombia and Unicauca, a strategic alliance for the development of our region

La Universidad -

Interinstitutional - Tuesday, February 21, 2023

INNpulsa Colombia and Unicauca, a strategic alliance for the development of our region

The inter-institutional meeting seeks to strengthen the University-Company-State relationship, being part of the technical roundtables that are being developed and that will strengthen the projects carried out by the groups and their lines of research.

The Vice-Rectory for Research of the University of Cauca accompanied this important meeting in which the High Councilor for the Regions, the Government of Cauca, the Mayor's Office of Popayán and representatives of iNNpulsa Colombia participated, who exchanged ideas and opportunities to promote the ventures that are born in the Alma Mater, likewise, to stimulate the doctoral training of the professors who are members of the research groups, advancing towards the continuous improvement and permanence of initiatives generated in our region.


“All the members of our community can attest to how the university transforms and changes lives, therefore, the purpose of our university is to be supportive, thinking collectively and not individually, thus supporting the five axes of the Institutional Development Plan, among they, that the most valuable heritage is its people, that it must be a supportive university and committed to excellence, that promotes the development of the region”, highlighted the rector Deibar René Hurtado in his opening words and welcome to the meeting.

For his part, the general manager of iNNpulsa Colombia, Hernán Ceballos, pointed out the crucial importance of this alliance, since previous experiences with other educational institutions have shown the need to strengthen the University-Company-State relationship, being part of the technical tables that are being developed and that will strengthen the projects carried out by the groups and lines of research, motivating teachers to continue their doctoral training.

As a result of this meeting, iNNpulsa Colombia committed to linking its CEmprende initiative, to strengthen the business and socioeconomic fabric, advancing in the purpose of decentralizing the processes of economic growth towards the regions, for this, the first step is to know those productive processes that have the potential to generate development and well-being in territories far from large urban centers.


Research Vice-Rectory
