
The moment to lay the foundations for transforming your future is now! Unicauca has approved a 5% discount on postgraduate programs for graduates of this Alma Mater.

La Universidad -

The Superior Council of the University of Cauca, through Superior Agreement number 017 dated June 8, 2023, approved a 5% discount on tuition fees for postgraduate programs for graduates of the University of Cauca. This decision aims to provide opportunities for professionals to return to their alma mater.

As one of the main centers of thought in the southwestern region of Colombia, we firmly believe that education is the primary engine through which individuals can transform their lives, those of their families, and their surroundings. In this regard, on June 8, 2023, the Superior Council, in a full session, decided to approve a 5% discount on tuition fees for postgraduate programs for graduates who have exercised their right to vote in the recent national and/or regional elections.

"This is one of the incentives that the University's leadership is offering to graduates, and obviously, the Superior Council has given the green light. It's excellent news for the university community because it provides the opportunity for more Unicauca graduates to advance and improve their future through postgraduate studies," expressed Nancy Janneth Molano Tobar, Director of the University of Cauca's Postgraduate Center, responsible for the administrative coordination of specializations, master's, and doctoral programs.

Furthermore, the university's rector, Dr. Deibar René Hurtado Herrera, mentioned that, "With this discount, a total of 15% off these programs would be achieved when considering the additional benefit of 10% for those who have exercised their right to vote in the elections." It is important to note that the discount will take effect from the first academic period of 2024 and will not apply to semesters in which the student is exclusively enrolled in a thesis. Additionally, this incentive is not cumulative with other stimuli such as agreements, scholarships, exemptions, or discounts from other external entities or institutions.

Thus, the University of Cauca, especially through this rectoral proposal, continues to work towards providing the necessary opportunities for everyone to access excellent and inclusive education at all levels of training. This reinforces the commitment to deliver outstanding professionals who contribute to the construction of a more just, equitable society and contribute to the social, political, economic, and cultural development of our country

Finally, we hope that this wonderful news serves as an encouragement for all those individuals considering the option to continue their educational journey. We encourage them to take the step of initiating their postgraduate studies, as undoubtedly, this constitutes one of the best decisions to transform the future. Later on, we will be announcing the opening dates for registrations for the year 2024. Therefore, we invite you to stay informed through institutional communication channels.