
Professor Carlos Alberto Trujillo Solarte from Unicauca, awarded the National Mathematics Prize 2023.

La Universidad -

The Colombian Society of Mathematics grants this recognition to those who have excelled in their professional activities and who, through these, have collaborated fundamentally in the development of mathematics in the country. The merits of Professor Carlos Alberto Trujillo Solarte in his long intellectual and scientific career form a solid foundation that made him deserving of this recognition.

The National Mathematics Prize was awarded to Dr. Bernardo Uribe Jongbloed from the University of the North and Dr. Carlos Alberto Trujillo Solarte from the University of Cauca at the XXIII Colombian Mathematics Congress, held from June 5th to June 9th at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia in Tunja. The Colombian Society of Mathematics awards this recognition to those who have excelled in their professional activities and have fundamentally contributed to the development of mathematics in the country. The Prize is granted during the Colombian Mathematics Congresses in a Solemn Session of the Board of Directors.

Dr. Carlos Trujillo, affiliated with the Department of Mathematics, has academic interests in Number Theory in its additive aspect, and his research topics highlight Bh[g] sets, particularly Sidon sets and their applications. Using elements of additive number theory, combinatorics, finite Fourier analysis, finite fields, graph theory, among others, he has established upper and lower bounds for the maximum cardinality of a Bh[g] set contained within the first N positive integers and has constructed new Bh[g] sets.

According to the information provided in his CvLAC (Colombian Researchers' Curriculum), Dr. Trujillo has written over 30 research articles, which have been published in nationally and internationally indexed specialized journals. Apart from research articles, his findings have been shared through various research internships and a wide array of congresses in Colombia and abroad.

Professor Carlos Alberto Trujillo Solarte currently directs the research group Algebra, Number Theory, and Applications: ERM (ALTENUA), currently recognized by MinCiencias in category A1. The interinstitutional group primarily gathers professors and students from the Universities of Cauca, Valle, Nariño, Antioquia, Industrial de Santander, and Tolima, interested in the study of Algebra, Number Theory, Combinatorics, and their Applications. ALTENUA has had a significant impact on shaping new generations of mathematicians over the years.

A highly praised aspect of this professor from the University of Cauca has been his motivation and development of human resources. His experience and vision have allowed him to identify students' needs and design strategies that have influenced the improvement of his students' skills. His interaction with other institutions in the country has also been significant. He has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Antioquia, Valle, Nariño, among others. In these institutions, he has conducted various academic activities, notably mentoring higher-level courses, executing diverse research projects, and supervising undergraduate, master's, and doctoral theses.

Notably, in 2013, in recognition of his academic and research trajectory, the University of Cauca awarded him the University of Cauca Medal (Eminent Professor). In 2007, the National Pedagogical University, Sergio Arboleda University, the VIALTOPO Group, and the Colombian Society of Mathematics granted him a Diploma of Recognition for his contributions to the field of Mathematical Education in Colombia. Additionally, since October of last year, he has been a corresponding member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences due to his commitment to the country's scientific development. He was a finalist for the University Teachers of the Year 2022 Awards in the category "Lifetime Achievement in Teaching" (CIDESCO) and received the "Tuto González" Mention: Exemplary Alumnus, from the Alejandro de Humboldt National School in Popayan on March 4, 2022.

Professor Trujillo's merits in his extensive intellectual and scientific career form a solid foundation that made him worthy of the National Mathematics Prize. His legacy in teaching, mathematical research, and the development of human resources sets an example for future generations to follow.