
The students from Unicauca won a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

La Universidad -

The members of the CEPIA research group were recipients of the scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which consisted of a cultural and academic exchange through the visit of the students to four German universities in April 2023.

The CEPIA research group (Student Committee for Academic Exchange) at our Alma Mater comprises students from the final semesters of the Law program and is led by the instructor William Henczer Gómez G. Thanks to their research work titled "Immigration in Colombia of Population from Venezuela: Context of the Migratory Situation and Migration Law," they were beneficiaries of a student mobility scholarship that allowed them to visit the universities of Osnabrück, Friedrich Alexander Universität, Würzburg, and Tübingen.

Thus, by presenting their research work at the German universities, the students had the opportunity to meet prominent professors and peers, exchanging knowledge and processes related to their research interests. Apart from acquiring knowledge in various areas, they were able to broaden their perspectives on international law, with the aim of having reference points to consider in our country's legislation, as shared by Hugo Andrés Caicedo, a Law student and beneficiary of the scholarship.

"We had the opportunity to engage with great professors who, in their academic journey, have contributed to the International Criminal Court, the UN, the OAS, and have been key in the construction of Human Rights, supporting and providing tools to continue our work in Colombia."

It's noteworthy that the research group is composed of the following students, who, due to their discipline and academic performance, could live this incredibly rewarding experience:

Hugo Andrés Caicedo Imbachi

Anyela Patricia Coral Miranda

David Alejandro Gómez Mesa

Daniela Loboa Muñoz

Juan Nicolás Vega Trujillo

Valentina Paz

Carlos Augusto Ruiz Herrera

Laura Isabel Tulandy González

Cristian Camilo Vásquez Betancur

María Paula Díaz Acosta

Juan Esteban Valencia Burbano

Jessie Valentina Burbano Gómez

Luisa Alejandra García Medina

Lizeth Alejandra Narváez Obando

It's also important to mention that the students Carolina Ibarra Caicedo, Camilo Andrés Muñoz Achury, and Laura Valentina Bermeo are also part of the research group, although they couldn't join the trip.

Therefore, from the Alma Mater of the students from Cauca, we feel proud of the talent our students possess, as they open doors through their academic performance to fulfill their dreams. Hence, we invite the entire academic community to continue taking advantage of the various opportunities that arise, especially those related to academic mobility, which can lead to very enriching experiences.