
From Unicauca, alternatives are sought to facilitate the learning of foreign languages based on innovation and research

La Universidad -


University - Tuesday, May 2, 2023

From Unicauca, alternatives are sought to facilitate the learning of foreign languages based on innovation and research

Professor Cristhian Hernán Bonilla Gutiérrez, professor of English in the Pedagogical Project of the Degrees and Language Training Program (PFI) of the University of Cauca, and instructor of the bilingualism area at SENA, developed the project Open Educational Practices to Improve a Foreign Language through ICT, an educational resource that seeks to facilitate the learning of foreign languages through innovation and research.


The Open Educational Practices to Improve a Foreign Language through ICT project arises within the framework of the Specialization in ICT for Educational Innovation, offered by our Alma Mater and whose purpose is to create educational resources, made and administered by students for the use of the same students. “The educational resources are being developed within the class sessions that are oriented in the PFI Language Training Program, in levels of English II and IV that I am in charge of, but the objective is that they can be implemented for specific purposes , of the different areas of knowledge, that is, engineers create the resources for the same engineers and so with all areas of knowledge”, said professor Cristhian Hernán Bonilla Gutiérrez.


In this way, as a result of the relevance of this project, the Professor participated as a speaker at the VI SICELE International Congress, Integration Language, Research and Certification, held by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - Chile, on the 19th, 20th and April 21 of the current year. "For this congress, more than 80 specialists from approximately 15 countries met, and the central axes were integration, innovation and research, in this way, for the University of Cauca, it is important to highlight that research processes are being carried out and innovation, since today for the teaching of foreign languages it is essential to find new paths that allow the possibility of growing with a specific approach, and ensure that our students can reach the levels established by the common European framework of reference for the languages”, says the teacher Bonilla.


Thus, from the University of Cauca we appreciate the performance of our teachers who are making important contributions to education, and who manage to open space in relevant scenarios, internationally, to share the collaborative experiences that are developed within our institution. . In this way we also continue to strengthen a University of Excellence.