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Office of Inter-institutional and International Relations


The University of Cauca is continually and collectively undergoing an internationalization process through promoting, monitoring and implementing agreements. The objective of this process is to search for strategies to improve the international participation of the University of Cauca and seek an international recognition.

The internationalization of higher education can be assumed as one of the most important and consistent actions of the university community to address the phenomenon of globalization. The main goal for the University in this process may be seen as seeking for answers to unresolved issues in our own contexts.

In keeping with the above, the Office of Inter-institutional and International Relations – ORII is the university authority that promotes, coordinates and supports efforts towards Inter-institution cooperation and integration, in agreement with the requirements and global developments, responding to the development needs of the nation and the institutional mission.

The ORII facilitates the mobility and exchange processes between the University and public and private academic institutions, national and international. It assists the University in the pursuit of quality and excellence in the training processes, by among other things, involving students, teachers and researchers in networks, agencies associations and international events.

  • AUIP
  • Campus-France
  • DAAD
  • Fullbright
  • JCI