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Application procedures


Academic mobility experiences at the University of Cauca Application procedure for external students:

  1. Submission of application to the mobility program, explaining the reasons why you wish to carry out the period of staying or exchanging at the University of Cauca.
  2. Official presentation of the student by the University authorities or IES of origin, and the activities, subjects or courses you want to perform at the University of Cauca, with the acceptance of academic authority of the corresponding University of origin.
  3. Fill out resume format.
  4. Photocopy of identity.
  5. Academic transcripts or certificate of semester grades, or credits taken. The student must have completed at least the equivalent of 30% of the corresponding credits to the curriculum of the home university and have a GPA at or above 3.50 or equivalent.
  6. Certificate of attachment to the social security system, in the case of students from universities or Colombian I.E.S.
  7. Personal statement that you have sufficient financial resources to ensure your stay in the University of Cauca. If a candidate receives a grant, it must be certified.
  8. Letter signed by the student, which acknowledges and accepts the regulations of the University of Cauca and disclaims all liability for possible events that may occur in your residence.
  9. For stays of research, the student must present a summary of the developing project, maximum 5 pages, mentioning your academic contact or project manager at the University of Cauca.


Additionally, if the student comes from abroad he or she must submit:

  1. For students from non Spanish-speaking countries, a document certifying that the student has a sufficient level of knowledge of the Spanish language. It does not apply to students whose academic goal student mobility is related to learning or improving Spanish language.
  2. Submit the original and a photocopy of valid and current medical insurance in Colombia in the case of being accepted into the University of Cauca.
  3. Photocopy of your passport of the page where the photo appears, and identification and copy where Student Visa appears.



  1. Apply for an exchange program through the Office of inter-institutional and international Relations of the University of Origin. In the case that such office or an equivalent office does not exist, the process should be done through the Rectory.
  2. All requirements and documentation must be submitted to the Office of inter-institutional and International Relations at the University of Cauca, who will manage the respective academic unit to the request by the student.


All applications and documents must be mail or delivered in hard copies to the Office of Inter-institutional and International Relations at the University of Cauca:

Calle 5 # 4-70, Popayan, Cauca, and also in a digital format to: email

  • AUIP
  • Campus-France
  • DAAD
  • Fullbright
  • JCI