
DA INFORMATION FINDABILITY À IMAGE FINDABILITY: aportes da polirrepresentação, recuperação e comportamento de busca


Technological advances in society have made possible the unusual generation and availability of information in the various scopes by multiple devices and in different formats. Information to be accessed and used by users in digital environments must first be retrieved and found. Therefore, it is important to highlight that Information Retrieval is widely discussed in multiple studies since the origin of Information Science and Computer Science, while Findability has become a focus of studies in recent years. In this context, in order to clarify the relationship between Information Retrieval and Findability, and how these processes take place in digital images ¿ considered imagery resources of a complex nature by the content layers that must be analyzed in the representation process ¿ aims to contribute to the enhancement of Retrieval and Findability focusing on digital images through the use of polyrepresentation and Semantic Web technologies. Faced with this, Information Science offers subsidies that enable work on these issues with a scientific and technological approach since the integration of different contents and information of the imagery resources and informational needs of the user. For this, the methodology of this research is characterized by being basic nature that has become applied, qualitative-quantitative and exploratory and descriptive, with a design based on the use of the quadripolar method using techniques such as bibliographic survey and document analysis. Consequently, the following results stand out: a conceptual structure of polyrepresentation of digital images that was later described semantically through an ontology, OntoImage, the definition of Information Findability and a conceptual model of Image Findability. It is concluded that information resources are retrieved by machines and found by users, but both Information Findability and Image Findability require the synergy between Information Retrieval and Information Behavior. Finally, the development of this research reinforced the thesis of a relationship between Information Retrieval and Findability, and that the integration of content (syntactic, semantic) and non-visual and context information of digital images through the use of Polyrepresentation as well as Semantic Web technologies enhance retrieval and Image Findability.

Tipo proyecto: 
Investigación y desarrollo
Fecha inicio: 
Julio, 2015
Fecha fin: 
Junio, 2019
Fecha acto administrativo: 
Martes, Agosto 10, 2021